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Cà sento
Cà sento
Cà sento
Cà sento

[ Restaurant ]

Cà sento

Delivery records

Steak Knife NATURE SK04


"What can I enjoy at Ca sento? Spanish dishes?"
We can't give you a clear answer to that question! Located in Kobe, a city of diverse cultures, we simply strive to serve dishes that will make all customers exclaim, "Tasty!" All staff members, including the chef Shinya Fukumoto, are fully dedicated to making Ca sento the best restaurant in town.


  • Address

    4-16-14, nakayamate-street. Chuo-ku,Kobe. Japan
  • Business Hours

    Lunch 12:00-15:00 (last call: 13:00) *Only Saturdays, Sundays, and the third Thursday / Dinner 18:00- ( last call: 19:30 )
  • Regular Holiday

    Monday, third Sunday and the first day of every month
  • WEB

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